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About Us.


Hello guyz this is Reyas Faizal greeting you all for my home page. After a long hard work we have created this fantastic site on the earth .This site belongs to the creator and owner of this site Mr.Reyas faizal doing Final Year M.C.A.,.This site contains some of the important pictures and details that is copyrighted to Mr.Reyas faizal and any illegal or unauthorized use will lead to crime. This site is only to view the details of the creator.It is a personal site and not belongs to any organization. You can surf and use the links that are provided by this creator.




This is a personal site doesn't belong to any organization. The items here are copyrighted to Mr.Reyas faizal. This site provides some of the useful projects that are submitted by the friends, of the creator. You can make use of those  projects by personally contacting the creator through his E-Mail provided. This site is a personal site and not designed to help others.For further Queries contact the creator in the following Mail-ID.Any one can use the site for surfing and make use of the sample projects provided.



Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements

Here is the site that gives all the needs of a student. This site is only for the students and they can gain the information they want from this site without any money.

What You Can Get


Here is the site that helps you without any penny. You can send your contact details to the Creator that will help you to access the hidden pages of this site. This site contains lot of hidden pages only available to the members of this site. To become a member please submit your details in the guest book and make a copy of the detail (by giving printscreen) and attach it with your request and send it to the Creators mail. You will receive the secret code to access the membership pages through the mail.For security purpose we are storing your IP address.



Inside Ours


This site is designed by the students of Jamal Mohamed College for the college.This site is highly secured and one of the great site that helps the students of Jamal Mohamed College. In this site you can get details of the college and you can receive some suggestions from your Seniors. This site also Contains some of the project works that are Submitted to various companies by the students. You can Make use of it and can have the source code from the respective students from contacting them in private.To see my Resume click the following Link.